6 Reasons Why You Should Not Build Your Own Website

Cheap, simple, and quick. It's true that creating your own website looks too wonderful to be true. There are hundreds of website builders available, and it's tempting to think of building your own site as a quick fix for putting your business online, but the fact is that self-build websites are rarely optimal.

Your site must appear professional, rank high in Google search results, be easy to use, and, most importantly, get results – here are our top reasons why a self-build isn't even worth considering if you're a legitimate business trying to advertise yourself online.

#1 - Cost

While many templated website builders claim to offer free or low-cost services, the reality is that this is rarely the case, not to mention that the time spent individually constructing and maintaining your site is an indirect expense to your company.

A 'free' website might imply that you get a free trial before being charged monthly, or that your entire site is covered in unsightly banners promoting the website builder's services until you upgrade to a more expensive hosting package.

In addition, there are frequently hidden expenses — for example, if you wish to add plug-ins, applications, or new features, you will likely be charged a significant amount, and web hosting and domain registration will cost money.

#2 Appearance

First impressions are important. It is critical that the appearance and feel of your website reflects your reputation as a professional firm in order for potential clients to regard you as a trustworthy organization.

Self-build sites, which use one-size-fits-all templates, frequently appear amateurishly built, are difficult to browse, and look identical to the hundreds, if not millions, of other websites online that use the same generic template.

Your templated site will fail to differentiate you from the competition due to the restricted possibilities for customizing and boosting the design.

#3 Performance

Self-build websites have severe design issues that will harm you in the long term, proving that you truly do get what you pay for. Simply said, they are ineffective.

Your self-build site will effectively render your business almost invisible to clients on the web due to its lack of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) capacity. Even though your website has built-in tools to assist you optimize it for search engines, it may be a tough and time-consuming process to grasp without expert aid unless you have a solid understanding of SEO.

Furthermore, websites built using shared hosting – which is common among DIY site builders – are prone to delayed page loading times, forcing potential clients to abandon your site due to the bad user experience.

#4 Support

Unsurprisingly, when you choose a self-build website, the degree of support you can anticipate is typically non-existent. Website support is usually not included, which means that if you have an issue with your site and need assistance, it will cost you money, or at the very least eat up a lot of your time as you spend hours searching through online FAQ sections and tutorials.

Furthermore, you will not receive personalized support - the most typical situation when seeking assistance is being sent to a foreign contact center, resulting in long wait times for any website modifications or corrections and a waste of time.

#5 Time

Your website shouldn't be constructed in a day, either. While the idea of having your website developed in less than 24 hours is appealing, the fact is that a good website takes time to develop. Your website is an essential investment that demands time and work to make it appear and perform the way you want it to.

However, you'd be mistaken if you thought this meant you should be working on your site 24 hours a day. Self-builds are wasteful because creating a good website is difficult — at the very least, it requires design and SEO expertise. Instead of focusing all of your efforts on constructing a website, you should focus on what you do best: operating your business.

#6 Experience

At the end of the day, creating a good website necessitates a diverse set of talents, and it's unrealistic to expect you to master everything involved. That's why, when it comes to your website – your most important marketing tool – hiring specialists pays off.

A web design company with experience and insight can provide you with a professional design, expert guidance, face-to-face support, full control over your content, and, most importantly, a high-quality website that generates enough traffic and, ultimately, income to effectively pay for itself and more.

We're here at it'seeze to assist you in achieving online success. Don't allow a self-build stifle your brand's growth — contact us immediately and let us assist your company thrive online.


Why A Website is So Crucial For A Business


Should You Be Building Your Website Yourself?